Monday, September 30, 2013


Honda Motor Company, Limited (本田技研工業株式会社 Honda Giken Kōgyō KKIPA: [hoɴda] is a Japanese public multinational corporation primarily known as a manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles.
Honda has been the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer since 1959, as well as the world's largest manufacturer of internal combustion engines measured by volume, producing more than 14 million internal combustion engines each year. Honda became the second-largest Japanese automobile manufacturer in 2001. Honda was the eighth largest automobile manufacturer in the world behind General Motors,Volkswagen Group, Toyota, Hyundai Motor Group, Ford, Nissan, and PSA in 2011.

Honda was the first Japanese automobile manufacturer to release a dedicated luxury brand, Acura, in 1986. Aside from their core automobile and motorcycle businesses, Honda also manufactures garden equipment, marine engines, personal watercraft and power generators, amongst others. Since 1986, Honda has been involved with artificial intelligence/robotics research and released their ASIMO robot in 2000. They have also ventured into aerospace with the establishment of GE Honda Aero Engines in 2004 and the Honda HA-420 HondaJet, which began production in 2012. Honda invests about 5% of its revenues in research and development.

From a young age, Honda's founder, Soichiro Honda (本田 宗一郎, Honda Sōichirō) (17 November 1906 – 5 August 1991) had an interest in automobiles. He worked as a mechanic at the Art Shokai garage, where he tuned cars and entered them in races. In 1937, with financing from an acquaintance, Kato Shichirō, Honda founded Tōkai Seiki (Eastern Sea Precision Machine Company) to make piston rings working out of the Art Shokai garage.[11] After initial failures, Tōkai Seiki won a contract to supply piston rings to Toyota, but lost the contract due to the poor quality of their products.After attending engineering school, without graduating, and visiting factories around Japan to better understand Toyota's quality control processes, Honda was able, by 1941, to mass-produce piston rings acceptable to Toyota, using an automated process that could employ even unskilled wartime laborers.

Tōkai Seiki was placed under control of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (called the Ministry of Munitions after 1943) at the start of World War II, and Soichiro Honda was demoted from president to senior managing director after Toyota took a 40% stake in the company. Honda also aided the war effort by assisting other companies in automating the production of military aircraft propellers. The relationships Honda cultivated with personnel at Toyota, Nakajima Aircraft Company and the Imperial Japanese Navy would be instrumental in the postwar period. A US B-29bomber attack destroyed Tōkai Seiki's Yamashita plant in 1944, and the Itawa plant collapsed in the 1945 Mikawa earthquake, and Soichiro Honda sold the salvageable remains of the company to Toyota after the war for ¥450,000, and used the proceeds to found the Honda Technical Research Institute in October 1946. With a staff of 12 men working in a 172-square-foot (16.0 m2) shack, they built and sold improvised motorized bicycles, using a supply of 500 two-stroke 50 cc Tohatsu war surplus radio generator engines. When the engines ran out, Honda began building their own copy of the Tohatsu engine, and supplying these to customers to attach their bicycles. This was the Honda Model A, nicknamed the Bata Bata for the sound the engine made. The first complete motorcycle, with both the frame and engine made by Honda, was the 1949 Model D, the first Honda to go by the name Dream. Honda Motor Company grew in a short time to become the world's largest manufacturer of motorcycles by 1964.
The first production automobile from Honda was the T360 mini pick-up truck, which went on sale in August 1963. Powered by a small 356 cc straight-4 gasoline engine, it was classified under the cheaper Kei car tax bracket. The first production car from Honda was the S500 sports car, which followed the T360 into production in October 1963. Its chain driven rear wheels points to Honda's motorcycle origins.
Over the next few decades, Honda worked to expand its product line and expanded operations and exports to numerous countries around the world. In 1986, Honda introduced the successful Acura brand to the American market in an attempt to gain ground in the luxury vehicle market. Honda in 1991 introduced the Honda NSX supercar, the first all-aluminum monocoque vehicle that incorporated a mid-engine V6 with variable-valve timing.
CEO Tadashi Kume was succeeded by Nobuhiko Kawamoto in 1990, who was selected over Shoichiro Irimajiri, who oversaw the successful establishment of Honda of America Manufacturing, Inc. in Marysville, Ohio. Kawamoto and Irimajiri shared a friendly rivalry within Honda and Irimajiri would resign in 1992 from Honda due to health issues.
Following the death of Soichiro Honda and the departure of Irimajiri, Honda found itself quickly being outpaced in product development by other Japanese automakers and was caught off-guard by the truck and sport utility vehicle boom of the 1990s, all which took a toll on the profitability of the company. Japanese media reported in 1992 and 1993 that Honda was at serious risk of an unwanted and hostile takeover by Mitsubishi Motors, who at the time was a larger automaker by volume and flush with profits from their successful Pajero and Diamante.
Kawamoto acted quickly to change Honda's corporate culture, rushing through market-driven product development that resulted in recreational vehicles such as the Odyssey and the CR-V, and a decrease on the numerous sedans and coupes that were popular with Honda's engineers but not with the buying public. The most shocking change to Honda came when Kawamoto ended Honda's successful participation in Formula One after the 1992 season, citing costs in light of the takeover threat from Mitsubishi as well as creating a more environmentally friendly company image.
Later, 1995 gave rise to the Honda Aircraft Company with the goal of producing jet aircraft under Honda's name.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Renault S.A. is a French multinational vehicle manufacturer established in 1899. The company produces a range of cars and vans, and in the past, trucks, tractors, tanks, buses/coaches and autorail vehicles. In 2011, Renault was the third biggest European automaker by production behind Volkswagen Group and PSA and the ninth biggest automaker by production in the world.
Headquartered in Boulogne-Billancourt, Renault owns the Romanian manufacturer Automobile Dacia and the Korean Renault Samsung Motors. Renault also owns subsidiaries RCI Banque (providing automotive financing), Renault Retail Group (automotive distribution) and Motrio (automotive parts). Renault Trucks, previously Renault Vehicules Industriels, has been part of Volvo Trucks since 2001. Renault Agriculture became 100% owned by German agricultural equipment manufacturer CLAAS in 2008. Carlos Ghosn is the current chairman and CEO and the French government owns a 15 percent share of Renault.
As part of the Renault-Nissan Alliance, the company is the fourth-largest automotive group. Together Renault and Nissan are undertaking significant electric car development, investing €4 billion (US$5.16 billion) in eight electric vehicles over three to four years from 2011.
The company's core market is Europe. The company is known for its role in motor sport, and its success over the years in rallying and Formula 1.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Reasons For Trying A Online Dating Service

Tired of the same old people at the same old places? Or worse, tired of the lack of any people anywhere? Do you think if you hear Aunt Jane say one more time that she has someone she wants to introduce you to you’ll scream? Are you ready to catch the greatest singles’ wave since the introduction of the happy hour?

Then you’re ready to try an online dating service. And there’s never been a better time than now.

Sign up with a membership at an online dating service and be ready for the time of your life. Ah, all those wonderful possibilities! Why, you had no idea that there were so many people in your area who were looking for romance! And such nice ones at that.

Online dating services can provide you with potential dates in your area, but even better, they can help you find dates with interests and backgrounds similar to your own. You can narrow the possibilities down to specifics too. For instance, are you an African-American princess looking for an African-American prince? Are you looking for the Jewish man or woman of your dreams? Or are you a member of the gay community who wants to find a significant other with whom you can have a long, lusting, um, lasting relationship with?

If any of these sound familiar or you have a particular ideal in mind for your future dates, then there’s an online dating service just for you. No matter what your interests, tastes, religion or ethnic ideals are, you can find an online dating service filled with hundreds and thousands of like-minded people. Most general online dating services will have niches for posting your profile where you can enter the category you want to be in to find a potential date—or let them find you. Just post your profile and perhaps a picture, and let nature take its course.

And if you think online dating services are for people who couldn’t get a date if their lives depended on it, think again. Online dating has practically replaced conventional methods of dating.

Why? Well, a large part of the reason is that people are more time-strapped than ever. They simply don’t have time to waste going to singles bars and don’t want to. They prefer to get to know someone through messaging and emails.

And the email correspondence and messaging online dating services makes possible lets you get to know someone a bit before you take a risk on actually going out with them. Sure, there is always a little, well, white lying that goes on, but that’s usually just in the beginning of an online dating correspondence. It’s also part of the fun!

Because, be honest, you’re going to do it too, if you haven’t already. Even with some, shall we say, slight creativity, you can find out enough about someone through email to let you know if you want to pursue the relationship further with an actual date. And if you don’t, an online dating service offers you many more opportunities to look for dates you will want to pursue.

Really, the true question isn’t why try an online dating service. It’s why haven’t you already tried and become the member of an online dating service—or several? The person of your dreams is waiting!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Online dating: the most important step – the first letter.

So as you know, online dating usually based on exchanging letters. So what you gonna do if you seem to find the <a href=>Russian bride</a> of your dream? How will you make her interested in you? I want to say you – if you want to grab someone's attention, you should write a first letter, a perfect first letter. There are some key points you should keep in mind while writing a letter. So that's what I'm going to tell you.</p>

<p>At the very beginning I should tell you that the first letter makes the first impression that will most certainly affect your future correspondence. So, you should make your first letter positive, bright and exciting.</p>

<p>As I've witnessed a lot of types of correspondence and got the full image of how it should be, I'll give you my own tips. And I wish you success!</p>


<p><b> • Tip # 1: Be friendly and polite.</b> It's utter important to show respect to the lady, so you should use friendly and polite words in your letter. I also don't advise you to use nicknames and phrases like: "Hey baby" or "My hot girl" in your very first introductory letter, it's better to make a pleasant compliment instead. Don't worry if you really like using these words you can do it a bit later. Just wait till the lady opens up for you.</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 2: Keep your tone upbeat.</b> Your letter should reflect your great mood and optimism. If you tell her about your difficulties, problems and complaints in your very first letter, it will definitely scare any girl. Show her that you are a happy and cheerful person. You should be  positive is like a magnet. This is the example how one man began his letter: "To be quite honest, I have been putting this off as long as possible. I have some friends who applied to dating web-sites and have had some awful experience." This begs to ask, "what are you doing here?" And compare that with this introductory letter: "I've heard online dating is a great way to meet awesome people and that's why I want to meet you." Which one of these letter intros is more attractive? The one who wants to date "losers" or the one that wants to date "winners"? Psychologically everyone wants to be a winner. Consequently in your very first letter, avoid everything negative - be positive.</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 3: Share information:</b> You can share the information about yourself that you think others will find interesting. Check her profile, find out about her interests. It will be great if she finds out that you have so much in common.</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 4: Tell the person who you are and what you are about.</b> Don't speak about your disadvantages in your introduction letter. In the contrary you should tell only positive things about yourself, but it's very important to know where to stop, otherwise your story will look like a boasting and you won't get good results. Here are some phrases that will help you to describe you in a best way: 
<br> - My best friend describes me as... 
<br> - I'm happiest when I'm... 
<br> - Here's what you'd find if you looked around my place... 
<br> - A great day in my life would include... 
<br> - The last great book I read was... 
<br> - The last great movie I saw in a cinema was... 
<br> - My favorite season is... 
<br> - The color I wear most is... 
<br> - If you asked me what I'm wearing, I'd say... 
<br> - My favorite on-screen love scene is... 
<br> - The music I like most is... 
<br> - This morning in my car I was listening to... 
<br> - Last Saturday night I... 
<br> - The last vacation I went on was... 
<br> - The most adventurous thing I've ever done was... 
<br> - I'm happiest when I'm with someone who...</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 5: Include information about your age, education and career.</b> According to statistics about 80% of ladies are mostly interested in these three things.</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 6: You can tell about</b> pets, favourite books, hobbies, children or anything else that might reveal a shared interest with in your new friend.</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 7: Avoid talking about controversial topics.</b> Not in a first letter. Debates and argues can be a very interesting thing to share in your letters, but only if you've already become closer to each other.</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 8: Take care not to overwhelm the reader with too much information.</b> Revealing a little bit at a time will pique the reader's interest. Remember that there must be a little secret not only in a lady but in a man as well. You'll reach great results if you make your lady wait for the next chapter of your story impatiently.</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 9: Ask her questions so she can respond.</b> Don't speak just about yourself in your letter. If you do, your letter won't help you at all. You should remember that it's very important to have a dialog instead of monologue. So you should ask question and answer hers in return.</p>

<p><b> • Tip # 10: Let your personality show</b> by your choice of words and the descriptions you use. Be descriptive – tell about the things the inspire you, excite you etc.</p>

<p><b>Tips & Warnings.</b></p>

<p> • Remember not to share too much too soon. You should wait until she knows you before you reveal your family secrets and problems.</p>

<p> • Use careful judgment when deciding how much information to share with a stranger. You should be always careful when it comes to revealing personal information.</p>

<p>So, that will do for the tips. I hope they'll be useful for you and you find your <a href=>Russian bride</a> and conquer her by your sweet and kind letters!

Is Online Dating Effective?

Online Dating is not a last resort for social misfits. It is an excellent tool for those who lead busy lives, deal with a lot of shyness issues, or just want to expand their horizons. 

First you should decide what you main objective is for dating online. Is it just for friendship or only to have someone to talk to?

Are you looking for a short term relationship to get you through a rough spot or are you searching for a long-tem, lasting bond? Are you only looking for casual dating with many guy/girls? 

After determining your objects, the next thing you should do is write a personal ad that makes your profile stand out among many. It should be creative with a different spark and should never sound desperate. Use romantic imagery and humor. 

The next thing is uploading your picture. This picture is the most important one so choose wisely. Don’t choose the one that you think makes you look the prettiest/most handsome but the one where you look the happiest. A great smile melts hearts and minds.

In later pictures you post, choose ones that show you enjoying the things you love to do like sailing, camping, reading, dancing, playing an instrument. 

OK. Now you are ready to start Online Dating but wait. There’s more you need to know. When you send an email to answer an ad, always include something personal that indicates that you have read the person’s profile and don’t just drool all over the picture.

Always be funny, creative, different, and try to appear approachable. If you are answering multiple ads, for goodness sake, do not use copy/paste. Make each letter original.

When you get a reply the relationship has begun. Proceed wisely and with caution.

Online Dating can work for you. As a matter of fact…

Online Dating is Popular!

The explosion of Internet Dating is amazing. It has gained popularity at unprecedented speed. The reason for its popularity is that it works and it fits into our busy lives. We all work at least 40 hours each week; some of us work many more hours than 40, just to make a living.

Add commute time, preparation time and there just isn’t a lot of time left for social time except for weekends…at least we hope we have weekends off.

Hence, we turn to the Internet like we do for so many things. We use the Internet to shop for “stuff”.

We no longer have the time to visit brick and mortar stores so we go online to find the things we need. We pay our bills online because we just simply do not have the time to write out paper checks, put them in paper envelopes, lick stamps and go to the post office.

That’s just the facts of life of the 21st century.

We use the Internet for everything else… why not for our social needs? It doesn’t make much sense to think that the love of our lives is going to walk through the door of a bar we just happen to be at on any given night. That’s what I call a long shot.

Doesn’t it make a lot more sense and much better use of our time and resources to be able to go through hundreds of profiles and pictures in a single evening than to leave one of the most major of life’s decisions to chance?

It does… it really does.

If you haven’t yet joined an Online Dating site, you should certainly consider doing so and as soon as possible. (ASAP) give your social life a good kick-start and start enjoying dating again.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How To Chose An Online Dating Site

Choosing the right type of online dating site is critical to having a successful online dating experience. But before you start surfing, be sure first that you have thoroughly examined yourself and have determined your main objective in joining an online dating system. Because online dating services usually charge a membership fee, so if you’re not careful, or not sure of what you want, you can end up wasting a lot of money.

It is not very hard to find online dating sites especially once you have determined your purpose for joining one. Here are some practical tips on how to do this.

Establish a budget

Determine just how much you are willing to spend on online dating. Different online dating sites offer various membership fees. There are some online dating sites that charge one-time membership fees, while others call for monthly recurring fees that are automatically charged to your credit card.

If it is your first time and you’re just in for the experience, it would be best to go for online dating sites with a one-time membership fee. Likewise, for those budget-conscious individual, the one-time membership is also the ideal option.

Ask for recommendations

Ask your friends, colleagues or family members for suggestions on online dating sites they might know about. Ask them if they’ve tried online dating and if they have any suggestions to offer. There are online dating guides that can also be helpful.

Research online dating sites

Try using the major search engines to get the names of some of the most dating web sites. 

Try to base your search on other interests you have as well. There are specialized online dating sites that cater to customized audiences including political affiliations, sexual preferences, race, religion and more.

Often specialized online dating web sites are a much better online dating option since you are more likely to meet someone with your interests.

Know the benefits of joining an online dating service
Narrow down your list of potential online sites by getting the top three sites you are considering. Now compare them to determine the pros and cons of each one. Pay extra attention to the membership fees, and take particular notice of those online dating sites that are offering free versus fee services. Be sure too to check the number of members that a particular dating web site has.

Take a free test run

There are some online dating sites that offer free trials. You can limit your search to these types of sites, so that you could search a site database for potential matches before you pay any membership fees. This will give you an idea on the type of potential mates you are likely to meet if you do sign up with the service.

Always have other options

Never hesitate to sign-up for multiple online dating services or change services midstream, especially if you’re not satisfied with the services. Remember your goal for joining an online dating service is to meet new people that have the potential of becoming your date. If an online dating site is not meeting your needs then better to leave than continuing to lose more money.

How To Attract Women With Your Attitude

If there was one magic pill that you could pop to make yourself more attractive to women, would you take it?

Chances are, most men would give answer with a resounding yes. After all, who has the time to keep up with the countless dating advice and tips handed out by dating gurus who promise that by doing what they tell you to do, women would come in droves begging you to let them bear your children? 

But since reality bites, no such pill exists. And the male species, since the beginning of civilization, has been working on making himself the object of interest and attention of his female counterparts. Even now, in this age of dating websites and speed dating the objective has not changed.

So why is it that some guys seem to get it right all the time while the rest seem to remain luckless no matter what they do? Some would say that looks and appearances had everything to do about it. But that’s not entirely true. 

While it may be so that how a guy looks like matters in order to catch a woman’s attention, that alone will not make him totally attractive. What makes the guy go from “Hi there. You alone?” to “Good morning, doll.” is his attitude.

Attitude by definition is your outlook and mindset towards any given situation. In the dating scenario, it would mean how you behave and think when it comes to approaching a woman, chatting up a conversation with her and treating her just a tad more special than the rest of the women in the room.

So what kind of attitude should you have? 
A lot of guys think that they need to impress women to makes themselves attractive. While making an impression is important, you need to make sure that that impression is really you. Otherwise, your attitude towards dating shows that you would rather make false impressions and basically lie, just so that you can get what you want. Not exactly an attractive trait, isn’t it?

Instead, develop the “just as I am” attitude. No pretenses, no airs – just what you really are. Very little anything else makes one more attractive to women than to see a guy that’s totally honest about who and what he is.

But hold on, that is not to say that you should totally let yourself go. The “just as I am” attitude does not mean not bothering to dress up in nice clothes just because you are more of a shorts-and-flip-flops kind of guy. 

Not in the least. In fact, the “as is” attitude should stay in the backstage. The main idea is that you don’t need to pretend to be the sensitive writer type when you’re more of a Monday night football kind of guy. But at the same time, you need to make an effort to put your best foot forward. 

Do this by taking the time to look your best. You don’t need to look like Hugh Jackman’s long lost twin, but don’t look (and smell) like a bum either. Take the time to choose clothes that fit well on you. Pay attention to body hygiene, especially if you tend to sweat and don’t forget to check your breath as well. But more importantly, work on making this a habit rather than a once-in-a-while thing. That alone increases your attractive points by a whole lot.

Now that you’ve cleaned and dressed up, it’s time to work that attitude. For example, as you approach someone, tell yourself that all you need to do to get her interested is for you to be friendly and to treat her well. You don’t need to impress her with things that aren’t true about you. Remember, you are to come as you are and not someone else.

If she responds, then good for you. If she doesn’t seem to be interested regardless of how nice you are, that’s still ok. If this happens, tell yourself that you and her don’t fit and then walk away. At the very least, the woman you just approached will notice that you knew when to stop. Surprisingly, on a second encounter, she just might give you a better chance, just because you showed restraint the first time you met.

Now this isn’t a foolproof plan that can help you score with the ladies. But it is a lot better than pretending to be something that isn’t you. Developing a healthy confident attitude about yourself will not only make you more attractive to the right women around you, but will also help you personally as you begin to see yourself in a better light.

How To Ask Out A Shy Woman

Article Body:
Dating could be one of the most celebrated events in an individual’s life. It is that point in time where a man and a woman get to be acquainted with each other and discover each other’s weaknesses and strengths.

In fact, some studies revealed that dating, which eventually leads into a relationship, makes people feel better and in good health than those who preferred to be single. That is why almost 90% of the adult population in the U.S. is already married, with the remaining 10% planning to marry someday.

However, even if most of the people would rather engage into dating and wish to marry someday, this does not necessarily mean that dating could be very easy. The truth is dating could be very tricky especially for those who do not know the right strategy in asking women out.

Consequently, most men contend that they are having a hard time asking shy women out. This is because shy women are afraid of the consequences that might happen during their date. The problem with most shy people is that they have higher expectations on finding the right person; hence, they fear that the person is not yet the one and that the date might just turn into a disaster.

Moreover, socialization for every shy woman could be a disaster for her. Mere shaking of hands or simply facing their date is already difficult for them.

So for those who want to ask shy women out, it is important to remember about the common characteristics that these kinds of personality exhibit. Here is a list of some tips that you should remember:

1. Try to know the reasons for her shyness

If you personally know the person, it would be better to do some research from her friends or other acquaintance the possible reason for her shyness. In this way, you will be able to plan the appropriate actions in order to deal with her properly.

There are some women who are just shy because they do not know the other person too well, but once they get long with each other, her shyness eventually fades. 

2. Single steps journey are much preferred

The problem with most shy women is that it is difficult to let them open up and loosen a bit. This is sometimes associated with the fact that shy women are afraid of meeting people whom they do not know very well. 

Hence, one good way to solve this problem is to try to get close to the person first. However, it does not necessarily mean that once you are acquainted with her, it would be easier for her to open up instantly. The point here is that time will tell when the shy person will open up and reveal something about her life. So the best way is to continue making her feel comfortable and impress her by being reliable and somebody she can trust with.

3. Listen well

Most shy women are initiated to feel at ease when they know that the person they are talking with are listening to whatever they have to say attentively. Hence, it is important to listen to all of her sentiments, her inhibitions, her experiences and make her feel that whatever she has to say, you can understand.

The point here is that people love to talk about themselves, so when a shy woman has already started talking, the best way to get her attention is to listen to her first.

4. Get the conversation going by empathizing with her

It would be better if you can show your empathy by telling her with your own experiences, fear, and inhibitions. In this way, shy women will be able to relate to you, hence, they would be more at ease.

5. Try to be subtle all the time

If you think that you can never initiate her to open up, do not be pushy and pressure her to do something she does not feel like doing. It will only make the matters worse.

All of these are boiled down to the fact that dealing with shy women is never easy, but it is not that complicated at all. The only important thing to consider is to take the person’s personality all the time. Try to consider her feelings and sentiments. 

By the time that she knows you are someone she can talk with and be with without having to fear of anything, chances are, both of you are on your way to a wonderful and hopefully lasting relationship.

Are Singles Dating Web Sites Appropriate for You?

In a world constrained by so many boundaries, where time never seems to be enough, the Internet can get you anywhere within a blink of an eye! There are so many things the Internet has to offer: knowledge, entertainment, music, sport…everything suddenly becomes accessible. Since you can find virtually anything on the Internet, can you also find your soul mate? Yes, you can! There are thousands of online dating web sites that offer people everywhere the chance to meet interesting, attractive and intelligent singles in a fun, exciting and safe environment. Millions of people worldwide are already members of singles dating web sites and thousands more are signing up each day! If you are bored of looking for your dates in bars, at work or with the help of your friends, or you just don’t have the time to meet other interesting people, online dating web sites can offer you just what you need!

Singles dating web sites are various and they offer people a wide range of services. Good singles dating web sites also add features such as dating personals, a detailed background of members which includes personal information, hobbies, interests, photos and many more. Singles dating web sites offer you the opportunity to find your soul mate from the comfort of your home. Online dating is easy, safe and helps you find out many things about your persons of interest before deciding to meet them in person. 

There are so many singles dating web sites and all you have to do is pick the most suitable one for you. However, it is very important to decide what you are looking for in the first place and then have a look at what singles dating web sites have to offer. This is a trick that will save you a lot of time and frustration! For instance, if you are looking for single dating, speed dating or simply fun, you shouldn’t bother joining web sites that promote long term relationships and vice versa.

It is important to understand that singles dating web sites really work and many people find their match through the means of online dating industry. After you subscribe to the appropriate singles dating web site and post your dating personals online, you will soon receive feedback from singles that are just waiting to meet you! Take your time in finding the right person for you and make sure you find out everything you need to know before going on a first date. If online dating has proved to be efficient for others, why shouldn’t be efficient for you? Millions of people are turning to the Internet to find their match and singles dating web sites have become very popular. Find the web site that suits you best and you won’t be disappointed!

10 Golden Rules For Successful Online Dating

As everyone knows, the favourite method of mating and dating for singletons the world over is to join an online dating site. But what most people don't realise is that only around 10% of dating site members actually meet a long-term partner on their chosen site and a whopping 70% don't even receive one message from another member. If you follow the 10 simple steps outlined below, you too can join the 10% who find love and romance on line.

1. Choose the right site. The boom in online dating has provided a plethora of choice for consumers but you should take a few moments to decide on the type of partner you're looking for, not to mention the town or city where you would prefer him/her to be located. There are niche sites which cater to all sectors (single parents, bikers, gay people etc) and general sites which welcome all comers just as there are city or country specific sites and sites with a global perspective. Choosing the right site for you is probably the most important decision you'll make when looking for a partner on line.

2. Choose a great username. First impressions always last and the on line identity which you give yourself is the first thing that other members will see before they check-out your profile. 'Funny' works, 'cryptic' works and you wont go far wrong even if you decide to use your own christian name; but if you go down the smutty or sexually suggestive route (which a lot of guys seem to do), you'll find that other members will give you a wide berth.

3. Upload a photo. This is crucial as a significant percentage of people only search for members who have bothered to include a pic; you want to see what other members look like so it stands to reason that other people will feel the same way about you. If the only photo you have isn't particularly flattering, you can always mention that in your profile - it's still better than no photo at all.

4. Complete your profile. There's nothing more off-putting than a profile which screams "I can't be bothered to do this properly". If you don't have time to complete all the categories when you are signing-up, then make the time to do so at the earliest opportunity.

5. Be upbeat and positive. If you're feeling a little down or lacking in confidence, now isn't the time to say so when you're writing a description of yourself. If you come across as confident, happy and full of fun, you'll get much more attention than if you come across as mono-syllabic or down in the dumps. And remember, humour is a real ice-breaker and a great aphrodisiac.

6. Widen your search criteria. If you generally go for people who have blonde hair, blue eyes and are between 5'4" and 5'6" and you narrow your search down to just these specifics, then you may be missing out on a great many other members who you'll also find just as attractive. To start with, just search by gender, age and location and that way you'll be giving yourself the widest possible choice.

7. Don't automatically dismiss people. If you receive a message from someone who's profile you like but who hasn't bothered to include a photo, you should still write back and ask them to send a pic to your regular email address. You'll find that many people are more willing to do this than post a pic for all and sundry to look at.

8. Use all the features on offer. Many sites provide a great deal more than just an internal emailing system. Some sites might include voice messaging whilst others enable members to chat and flirt in 'real time' with other members and the more you take advantage of everything that's available to you, the more chance you have of making contact with someone special.

9. Be proactive. Once you've registered and completed your profile, don't wait for others to make contact with you. When you spot someone who you think might be a good fit with yourself, write to them and introduce yourself. And don't just say 'Hi, I like your profile', tell them why you've written to them and point out the things that you believe you have in common. A long opening message will create a much better impression than a short, perfunctory one.

10. Check back with the site. Most popular dating sites have new people joining all the time so remember to log-in at least once every day to view the most recent members and you can then contact anyone you like the look of before others get the chance to do so. Also, you should remember that on most sites, the members who log-in the most appear higher up the search listings than those who don't so your profile will be easier to spot by people with whom you might be compatible.

So there you have it - successful online dating is not rocket science; it just takes a bit of thought and a bit of effort and if you adhere to the 10 rules that I have outlined above, then your personal life will soon receive the kick-start it deserves.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Summer is the warmest of the four temperate seasons, falling between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice. The date of the beginning of summer varies according to climate, culture, and tradition, but when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa.

From an astronomical view, the equinoxes and solstices would be the middle of the respective seasons, but a variable seasonal lag means that the meteorological start of the season, which is based on average temperature patterns, occurs several weeks later than the start of the astronomical season. According to meteorologists, summer extends for the whole months of June, July, and August in the northern hemisphere and the whole months of December, January, and February in the southern hemisphere. Under meteorological definitions, all seasons are arbitrarily set to start at the beginning of a calendar month and end at the end of a month. This meteorological definition of summer also aligns with the commonly viewed notion of summer as the season with the longest (and warmest) days of the year, in which daylight predominates. The meteorological reckoning of seasons is used in Austria, Denmark and the former Soviet Union; it is also used by many in the United Kingdom, where summer is thought of as extending from mid-May to mid-August. In Ireland, the summer months according to the national meteorological service, Met Éireann, are June, July and August. However, according to the Irish Calendar summer begins 1 May and ends 1 August. School textbooks in Ireland follow the cultural norm of summer commencing on 1 May rather than the meteorological definition of 1 June.
Days continue to lengthen from equinox to solstice and summer days progressively shorten after the solstice, so meteorological summer encompasses the build-up to the longest day and a diminishing thereafter, with summer having many more hours of daylight than spring.Solstices and equinoxes are taken to mark the midpoints, not the beginnings, of the seasons. Midsummer takes place over the shortest night of the year, which is the summer solstice, or on a nearby date that varies with tradition.
The Western definition based on solstice to equinox is more frequently used where a temperature lag of up to half a season is common. In North America, summer is often the period from the summer solstice (usually June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere) to the autumn equinox. The summer season in the United States is commonly regarded as beginning on Memorial Day weekend (the last weekend in May) and ending on Labor Day weekend (the first weekend in September), more closely in line with the meteorological definition; the similar Canadian tradition starts summer on Victoria Day one week prior (although summer conditions vary widely across Canada's expansive territory) and ends, as in the United States, on Labour Day.
In Chinese astronomy, summer starts on or around 5 May, with the jiéqì (solar term) known as lìxià (立夏), i.e. "establishment of summer", and it ends on or around 6 August.
In southern and southeast Asia, where the monsoon occurs, summer is more generally defined as lasting from March to May/early June, the warmest time of the year, ending with the onset of the monsoon rains.
Because the temperature lag is shorter in the oceanic temperate southern hemisphere most countries in this region, especially Australia and New Zealand, use the meteorological definition with summer starting on December 1 and ending on the last day of February.

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Suzuki Motor Corporation is a Japanese multinational corporation headquartered in Minami-ku,Hamamatsu, Japan, which specializes in manufacturing automobiles, 4x4 vehicles, motorcyclesall-terrain vehicles (ATVs)outboard marine engines,wheelchairs and a variety of other small internal combustion engines. In 2011, Suzuki was the tenth biggest automaker by production worldwide. Suzuki employs over 45,000 and has 35 main production facilities in 23 countries and 133 distributors in 192 countries. According to statistics from the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA), Suzuki is Japan's second-largest manufacturer of small cars and trucks.

In 1909, Michio Suzuki (1887–1982) founded the Suzuki Loom Works in the small seacoast village of Hamamatsu, Japan. Business boomed as Suzuki built weaving looms for Japan's giant silk industry. In 1929, Michio Suzuki invented a new type of weaving machine, which was exported overseas. Suzuki filed as many as 120 patents and utility model rights. The company's first 30 years focused on the development and production of these exceptionally complex machines.
Despite the success of his looms, it occurred to Suzuki that his company would benefit from diversification and he began to look at other products. Based on consumer demand, he decided that building a small car would be the most practical new venture. The project began in 1937, and within two years Suzuki had completed several compact prototype cars. These first Suzuki motor vehicles were powered by a then-innovative, liquid-cooled, four-stroke, four-cylinder engine. It featured a cast aluminum crankcase and gearbox and generated 13 horsepower (9.7 kW) from a displacement of less than 800cc.
With the onset of World War II, production plans for Suzuki's new vehicles were halted when the government declared civilian passenger cars a "non-essential commodity." At the conclusion of the war, Suzuki went back to producing looms. Loom production was given a boost when the U.S. government approved the shipping of cotton to Japan. Suzuki's fortunes brightened as orders began to increase from domestic textile manufacturers. But the joy was short-lived as the cotton market collapsed in 1951.
Faced with this colossal challenge, Suzuki's thoughts went back to motor vehicles. After the war, the Japanese had a great need for affordable, reliable personal transportation. A number of firms began offering "clip-on" gas-powered engines that could be attached to the typical bicycle. Suzuki's first two-wheel ingenuity came in the form a bicycle fitted with a motor called, the "Power Free." Designed to be inexpensive and simple to build and maintain, the 1952 Power Free featured a 36 cc, one horsepower, two-stroke engine. An unprecedented feature was the double-sprocket gear system, enabling the rider to either pedal with the engine assisting, pedal without engine assist, or simply disconnect the pedals and run on engine power alone. The system was so ingenious that the patent office of the new democratic government granted Suzuki a financial subsidy to continue research in motorcycle engineering, and so was born Suzuki Motor Corporation.
In 1953, Suzuki scored the first of many racing victories when the tiny 60 cc "Diamond Free" won its class in the Mount Fuji Hill Climb.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ford Focus

The Ford Focus is a compact car (C-segment in Europe) manufactured by the Ford Motor Company since 1998. Ford began sales of the Focus to Europe in July 1998 and in North America during 1999 for the 2000 model year.
In Europe, South America, North America and South Africa, the Focus replaced the various versions of the Ford Escort and Ford Laser sold in those markets. In Asia and Australasia, it replaced the Ford Laser. As of the first half of 2012, the Focus surpassed the Toyota Corolla to become the world's best selling automobile nameplate. The Focus has been considered one of the 50 greatest cars of the past fifty years by British magazine CAR.

First generation (1998–2005)

Ford of Europe introduced the Focus in 1998 to the European market as a replacement for the Ford Escort. The decision to name the new car the "Ford Focus" was made in early 1998, as Ford's overheads had been planning to keep the "Escort" nameplate for its new generation of small family cars. A last minute problem arose in July 1998 when a Cologne court, responding to a case brought by the publisher Burda, ordered Ford to avoid the name "Focus" for the cars in the German market since the name was already taken by one of its magazines (Focus). This eleventh hour dispute was resolved, however, and the car was launched with the Name Focus.
Ford of North America began marketing the Focus in October 1999 as a surprise Christmas present for Ford's CEO Jacques Nasser, with some changes from the European version. The car launched as a 3-door hatchback, 4-door sedan and 5-door wagon; a 5-door hatchback debuted in 2001.

Second generation (2005–2010)

The second generation Focus was launched at the Paris Motor Show on September 23, 2004 as a three and five-door hatchback and an estate, although the new car was previewed, in 4-door sedan form, as the 'Focus Concept' developed by Ford Europe at the Beijing Motor Show in mid-2004.
The basic suspension design, which contributed much to the Mk 1's success, was carried over largely unchanged from its predecessor which, along with a 10% stiffer bodyshell, offers a better ride according to Ford but lacked on the precise and poised handling of the Mk1. The same body styles as the Mk 1 Focus were offered, though the saloon did not appear until mid-2005.
The Focus Mk 2 is larger and considerably heavier than its predecessor: it has a 25 mm (1 in) increase in wheelbase, and is 168 mm (6.6 in) longer, 8 mm (0.3 in) taller and 22 mm (0.8 in) wider. As a result the interior and boot space have increased. New technologies include a KeyFree system, a solar-reflect windshield, adaptive front lighting, Bluetooth hands-free phones and voice control for audio, telephone and climate control systems.
Stylistically, the Mk 2 features the same design language found in the Mondeo and Fiesta. Although still recognisable as a Focus, the new car uses styling features from the abandoned B-Proposal for the original Focus which never reached production.
In 2005, Ford released a MK.II version of Ford's sports division of Focus, the Focus ST. This one produced 225 bhp, over 50 bhp more than the MK.I ST, and could achieve a 0-60 mph time of just 6.4 seconds, and a 152 mph top speed.
The 2008 model year saw a facelifted version introduced, featuring Ford's "Kinetic Design" philosophy. Major changes included a new bonnet with more creases, the removal of all mouldings along the doors and sides, new sculpted pull back headlights, and the big trapezoidal lower grille.

Third generation (2010–present)

In 2010 Ford decided to reunite both international and North American models by releasing the international Mk3 worldwide. The previous North American version was discontinued, and the new model was launched simultaneously in North America and Europe in early 2011, both having started production late in 2010.
Ford unveiled the 2011 global Ford Focus at the 2010 North American International Auto Show. The car shown was a 5-door hatchback model, also debuting a new 2.0L direct injection I4 engine. A 5-door estate will also be available at launch. The new generation launched simultaneously in North America and Europe in early 2011, with production having started in late 2010. Production in Asia, Africa, Australia and South America was scheduled to follow later but the plan for Australian production was later dropped and that market and New Zealand supplied, along with Asia, from a new factory in Thailand where output began in June 2012. This new generation of Focus incorporates a redesigned cabin with improved materials and new entertainment technologies.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

SEAT Ibiza

The SEAT Ibiza is a supermini sports car manufactured by the Spanish automaker SEAT. It is SEAT's best-selling car and perhaps the most popular model in the company's range.
The name Ibiza comes from the Spanish island of Ibiza, and its use in the supermini car was the second nomenclature in naming models after Spanish cities, after the SEAT Ronda
It was introduced at the 1984 Paris Motor Show as the first car developed by SEAT as an independent company, though it was designed by SEAT in collaboration with well-known firms such as Italdesign, Karmann and Porsche.
From the second generation version onwards, SEAT formed part of the German automotive industry concern Volkswagen Group, and all further Ibiza generations, as well as the rest of the SEAT model range, were built on Volkswagen Group platforms, parts and technologies.
The Ibiza spans four generations, among which it has debuted twice (in its second and in its fourth generations) a new platform of the Volkswagen Group. All of them were the top seller model in SEAT's range. A rebadged redeveloped version of the first generation Ibiza remains still in production under license in China, by the Nanjing Automobile Group automaker.
The Ibiza is available in either three or five - door hatchback variants, and between 1993 and 2008, saloon, coupé and estate versions were sold as the SEAT Córdoba.
In 2010, an estate version, called Ibiza ST, was launched.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Fast & Furious 6

Fast & Furious 6 (alternatively known as Fast Six or Furious Six) is a 2013 action film written by Chris Morgan and directed by Justin Lin. It is the sixth installment in the Fast and the Furious film series. The film stars Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese Gibson, Michelle Rodriguez, Sung Kang, Chris Bridges, Luke Evans, Gina Carano, and John Ortiz. Fast & Furious 6 follows a professional criminal gang led by Dominic Toretto (Diesel) who have retired following their successful heist inFast Five (2011), but remain wanted fugitives. U.S. Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) agent Luke Hobbs (Johnson) offers to clear the group's criminal records and allow them to return home in exchange for helping him to take down a skilled mercenary organization led by Owen Shaw (Evans) and his second in command, Dominic's presumed-dead lover Letty Ortiz (Rodriguez).
Fast & Furious 6 was in development by February 2010 as the first film in the series to move away from the underground car-racing theme of the series' previous films which was considered to have placed a barrier on audience numbers. Pre-production had begun by April 2011, and principal photography began in London, England in July 2012. Filming locations also included the Canary Islands, Glasgow, and Los Angeles. The film was first released in the United Kingdom, on May 17, 2013, followed by an international release on May 24, 2013. A sequel is scheduled to begin filming in August 2013.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Audi AG designs, engineers, manufactures and distributes automobiles and motorcycles. Audi oversees worldwide operations from its headquarters in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, Germany. Audi-branded vehicles are produced in seven production facilities worldwide.
Audi has been a majority owned (99.55%) subsidiary of Volkswagen Group since 1966, following a phased purchase of AUDI AG's predecessor, Auto Union, from Daimler-Benz. Volkswagen relaunched the Audi brand with the 1965 introduction of the Audi F103 series.

The company name is based on the surname of the founder, August Horch. "Horch", meaning "listen", becomes "Audi" when translated into Latin. The four rings of the Audi logo each represent one of four car companies that banded together to create the company. Audi's slogan is Vorsprung durch Technik, meaning "Advancement through Technology". Recently in the United States, Audi has updated the slogan to "Truth in Engineering". Audi is part of the "German Big 3" luxury automakers, along with BMW and Mercedes-Benz, which are the three best-selling luxury automakers in the world.
The largest shareholder of Audi is Volkswagen AG, which holds approximately 99.5% of the share capital.[5] Volkswagen includes the consolidated accounts of Audi in its own financial statements.
From 2002 up to 2003, Audi headed the Audi Brand Group, a subdivision of the Volkswagen Group's Automotive Division consisting of Audi, Lamborghini and SEAT, that was focused on sporty values, with the marques' product vehicles and performance being under the higher responsibility of the Audi brand.
Originally, in 1885, automobile company Wanderer was established, later becoming a branch of Audi AG. Another company, NSU, which also later merged into Audi, was founded during this time, and later supplied the chassis for Gottlieb Daimler's four-wheeler.

On 14 November 1899, August Horch (1868–1951) established the company A. Horch & Cie. in the Ehrenfeld district of Cologne. Ten years later, because of a dispute between Horch and the supervisory board, he was forced out of the company. In 1909, he established a second company, Horch Automobil-Werke GmbH in Zwickau, but continued to use the Horch name. His former partners sued him for trademark infringement. The German Supreme Court (Reichsgericht in Berlin), eventually determined that the Horch brand belonged to his former company. The first Audi automobile, the Audi Type A 10/22 hp (16 kW) Sport-Phaeton, was produced in 1910 in Zwickau.

Since August Horch was banned from using "Horch" as a trade name in his new car business, he called a meeting with close business friends, Paul and Franz Fikentscher from Zwickau, Germany. At the apartment of Franz Fikentscher, they discussed how to come up with a new name for the company. During this meeting, Franz's son was quietly studying Latin in a corner of the room. Several times he looked like he was on the verge of saying something but would just swallow his words and continue working, until he finally blurted out, "Father – audiatur et altera pars... wouldn't it be a good idea to call it audi instead ofhorch?" "Horch!" in German means "Hark!" or "hear", which is "Audi" in the singular imperative form of "audire" – "to listen" – in Latin. The idea was enthusiastically accepted by everyone attending the meeting. The first Audi car, the Type B, 10/28PS was delivered early in 1910.
Audi started with a 2,612 cc inline-four engine model followed by a 3,564 cc model, as well as 4,680 cc and 5,720 cc models. These cars were successful even in sporting events. The first six-cylinder model, 4,655 cc appeared in 1924.
August Horch left the Audi company in 1920 for a high position at the ministry of transport, but he was still involved with Audi as a member of the board of trustees. In September 1921, Audi became the first German car manufacturer to present a production car, the Audi Type K, with left-handed drive. Left-hand drive spread and established dominance during the 1920s because it provided a better view of oncoming traffic, making overtaking safer.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Aston Martin

Aston Martin Lagonda Limited is a British manufacturer of luxury sports cars. It was founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford.
From 1994 until 2007, Aston Martin was a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company, becoming part of Ford's Premier Automotive Group when it was formed in 2000. In March 2007, a consortium of investors led by Prodrive boss David Richards purchased 90% of Aston Martin for £479 million, with Ford retaining a £40 million stake. In December 2012, the Italian private equity fund Investindustrial signed a deal to buy 37.5% of Aston Martin, investing £150 million as a capital increase.
Aston Martin was founded in 1913 by Lionel Martin and Robert Bamford. The two had joined forces as Bamford & Martin the previous year to sell cars made by Singer from premises in Callow Street, London where they also serviced GWK and Calthorpe vehicles. Martin raced specials at Aston Hill near Aston Clinton, and the pair decided to make their own vehicles. The first car to be named Aston Martin was created by Martin by fitting a four-cylinder Coventry-Simplex engine to the chassis of a 1908 Isotta-Fraschini.
They acquired premises at Henniker Place in Kensington and produced their first car in March 1915. Production could not start because of the outbreak of World War I, and Martin joined the Admiralty and Bamford the Royal Army Service Corps. All machinery was sold to the Sopwith Aviation Company.